Goodbye, sugar: how to lower glucose levels by avoiding excessive exercise?

When identifying diabetes, doctors always give the same hackneyed and ineffective indication: diabetes is for life and can only be controlled with the use of medications.

One of the main problems to overcome is to question the treatments and medications prescribed by doctors and official medicine, the real mafia that controls everyone’s health.

To improve your sugar levels, an important part is based on the correct use of exercise, both diet and dozens of internal and external factors affect health, a crucial aspect that should never be neglected. However, this tends to be the most difficult barrier to overcome as it involves physical activity that few diabetics are used to.

The funny thing is that, on the contrary, there are those who exercise excessively and still cannot reduce their glucose levels. There are people used to going to the gym and exercising for an hour or two a day, at least. They kill themselves with excessive exercise, and yet they can’t regulate their sugar levels without knowing why.

What is this about? How is it possible that some people are able to be so much healthier without having to rely on excessive exercise? The answer is that excess will never be effective if other aspects of the lifestyle are not changed. Health does not depend on just one habit.

There are two undeniable truths about exercise: You can control diabetes without excessive exercise, but if done correctly and in moderation, it will become an exponentially supportive tool for improving health.

How to lower your sugar levels if you can’t exercise?

That diabetes can be controlled without exercise seems like a misplaced statement; however, it is a totally true statement. Although regular exercise is the best way to achieve stronger health, it is not necessary to control type 2 diabetes.

We can verify this with the case of Adele Schaffer, who was then about 62 years old when she became Wholelife customer. She was in a wheelchair as one of her legs had recently been amputated due to diabetes. She set out to implement her lifestyle changes in conjunction with Wholelife’s natural supplements.

The rest is history. Now Adele, 7 years later, walks with a prosthesis on her left leg. Before following the Bengisu protocol for her diabetes, she took between 16 and 30 pills a day. Today she only takes a heart pill by her own choice. She no longer needs diabetes drugs and her health is better than she has been in years thanks to our natural supplements.

What is interesting in this case is the fact that Adele, having lost one leg and badly damaged the other, did not have the possibility to exercise. And yet she managed to overcome her high blood sugar levels. How could she do it without one of the most important health factors such as exercise?

This is because we provide recommendations for making changes to her lifestyle. However, to achieve the health of the body we also invite our customer to interact whit the nature that surrounds us, the health of the mind and the spirit, the proposal is a change of integral lifestyle, and exercise becomes just one element, which always and when it cannot be done, it does not have to be an obligation if there is a physical impairment.

How to exercise correctly?

Exercising is always recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle and enviable health; however, it is necessary to emphasize that exercise must be done correctly because only physical activity without technique or practice will not have great positive effects on health.

For diabetics, exercising to control sugar levels is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, an automatic practice that allows you to lead a healthier life without so many complications. However, this statement is not intended to contradict the fact that diabetes can be fought without the need for exercise.

You can fight diabetes without regular exercise, this is only for those who are physically handicapped. If there are no impediments, it is always more advisable to exercise than to do it aside, putting other treatments first. The problem is usually that the popular belief is that exercise must be excessive and physically demanding or it will have no positive effects.

The best exercise for humans is walking, but even walking, simple as it may seem, must be done correctly. A correct walk for the best results is carried out by dedicating 30 to 60 minutes each day to walk as fast as possible without actually jogging or running. The walk must be brisk, and brisk to the point of agitation and rapid breathing to have true effects.

Walking alone by walking overloads the legs, causing poor circulation. This is reflected in varicose veins and diabetic neuropathy, common problems for diabetics. Such a simple activity done the wrong way can have very negative effects on health.

For diabetics, especially, it is vitally important to invest time in this type of knowledge and in executing what has been learned, they represent the difference between a healthy and full life and one full of suffering and pain.

Taking action is within everyone’s reach, all it takes is willpower to completely change your lifestyle. We are here to help trough that process.

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